Minneapolis Green 4d Cost Share

CEE partners with the City of Minneapolis and property owners to cut emissions and maintain affordable housing.

brick multifamily building

Preserve affordable housing and lower utility costs for your tenants.

The 4d Green Cost Share program provides property tax breaks, solar incentives, and funding for energy efficiency upgrades to Minneapolis property owners who meet the program’s affordable housing standards. Projects completed through the program have included LED lighting upgrades, insulation improvements, high-efficiency boiler replacements, and high-efficiency water heater upgrades.

CEE guides participants through the entire process by helping them sign up for utility audit programs, find contractors, review bids, access utility rebates, and apply for City funding.

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Since 2018, the impact of the Minneapolis 4d program

Rental properties served

Adding up to 260 rental units.

annual reduction in energy bills

Tenants benefit greatly from energy saving services.

pounds CO2 emissions offset

As a result of 5,249 MMBtu saved.